The way we arrrived (5/9).
At changi airport .
Waiting for Immigration!!
Fang such a forgetful girl i ever met!
She nearly forgetten to take our hangcarry plastic bag!!
Omg! Im curious on that time that why everyone seems like so free nothing to carry on
And i asked jkie.
' Ei,where is our handcarry MNG bag??'
she's looking at me and said ' Not you take meh??'
'No oh, not me..who take just now'
And yet Fang see us.. and we look back~
There's big plastic MNG behind the place which we fill the form in!!
She's laughing n walk over to get the bag.
Its around 3 mins walking time!

Our 1st day clubbing place.
And we meet our cutey guy fren there.
Its all from SIBU AYE~
Well, i got NCAA with this place.
Once i step in , wow..
Thai song all the way. and i hear nothing too..
My guy fren told me..
'TMD, i realyy hear nothing at here ah. can we get some R&B song or not'?i miss 3c la'
Its reli xxks man!!
but yet those thai singer very nice~
WEI AI MEH DU KA.......=.=(well its foochow)
we do have fun there~
deep impression~hehe
Thai club horray~