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Saturday, December 6, 2008

A day at shop

when i start being BORED at shop..

and there's a sweet workers too..

im start to sPENd my money again!!!

and waste waste waste!!!








My shop ambipur~
with 30% off??
Hey, its for shoes ok~
shop got award??
hEM...its just a ribbon christmas deco~!!

and my xmas tree ALIVE!!!!!!!
why i called it as ALIVE
its bcause the light dead few weeks ago
the main reason is ..those STUPID RATS EAT OFF THE LIGHT WYRE...

shoes area!!!
whith jingle bells~~~
xmas is coming soon!!
we wish you a merry xmas
we wish u a merry xmas
and the happy new year!!!
Clever me... bought a basket..
which can devidde all my shop's hangers!!!

wow!!accesories place do have jingle bells too..
how smart am i!
AT last ... my tree...
been dead for a year...
and i bought it a xmas light too...
and its brigten up....
mY heart go SHALA LA LA LA..
SHALALA in the morning...

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