Continue ....
Went to ChongQing BBQ for our buffet dinner at Sunway
Which only cost us RM28 perpax
What a shock price and it's really yummy!
Im sure will go here for my next coming trip! Miss you.. LOL
Girls enjoy-ing their food ..
Do i look that im satisfied and surrender? LOL!
Next journey after having our BBQ Steamboat
we are heading to sunway giza having some alcohol
=) A really nice and pretty place.
Nice enviroment and building ><
Seventeen @17
Very cozy place ...
Ordered a smallest tan JazFresh
The only pic with my dearest sis in this trip

And met Nana Wong there =)
Went for my third round .. ShiSha @ IpohIpoh~~
ShiSha are more harm than normal ciggar ..
Bad ShiSha ...
David @ my sister Hermes boyfriend
Thanks a lot for driving us everywhere when we were there
aprreciate a lot.. Hheheh
Going to attending our first class seminar tomorrow morning at 9.15am
at berjaya time square @ Mahanttan Hall ...*Yawn*
And we get rm100 free coupon from BodyPerfect
what a great one!!
9am class till 5.30pm
And we do have one hour and half breaktime to having out lunch
Finally, seriously im super duper sleepy when the class start due to last night
late sleep because of spmething stupid!!
this stupid i mean!
i slept at 4am in the morning and need to wake up at 7am!
now you guys tell me , how do i can me awake during the seminar lar.. grr
Lunch time at Berjaya Time Square FoodCourt
Done Our Lunch , gotta back to the seminar room ><
Before the class starts we do have some times to camwhore in the toilet LOL
I dont have any picture of the second day of the seminar.
Because of serious food poisoning the night before.
Vomit for more than 5times and poo poo-ing for more than 10 times...
Even the day im going back to hometown still in food poisoning!!
What the, this makes me cant take any pictures the day after this seminar ...
Sad la... Thought will be ok after taking medicine but who know my condition getting more and more worse
just like mummy said, for my next trip i need to take more than 5 kinds of medicines before i start my trip..
=.= need or not oh ...............*faint*
Yuna miss her mummy dy ~~ LOL~
alright girl, we r going to depart soon yeah
im seriously SICK!
and i miss my mummy too ....hehe
End post for my 5days 4 nights trip to KualaLumpur.
Thanks for reading this boring post
Chiao ...