I woke up this morning.Feels so dizzy and sleepy and its 9.30am. Sis woke me up time for work!Well,as usual going bath at mum's bathroom.I found out tht my tummy being smaller than before while i'm bathing and thinking that is it cause by last night i puke all da alcohol when im drunk!Going down living and measure my weight. At first i was thinking of it sure will be like usual la 48-49kg! nothing have to be suprise ler. And my house measuring weight machine oso JAM JAM one. Always give the wrong weight. Ok, i stood up and its 46.4kg . I thought it jam then i stood up for second time its show 46.4kg again. Then i asked my lil sis. Is it our Weight machine got prob like before hah? Why i got 46 one?She said ' No oh, same oh. No prob leh. Just now i measure mine still ok. And its my weight leh'. Me ' I dont belif! u stand up and measure see correct or not ' . You know what, NO PROBLEM de loh. I thought my eyes blur still dizzy cause of last night alcohol. Again i ask my sis stand beside me and help me to see my weight. Hello!!!!! Its REALLY 46.4KG lohh!!!Real 46.4kg lohh!!
46.4KG!!! At last i saw 46 again!!!!!!!To maintain or slim till 46 quite hard for me lo.And this i use 2days having my GCLIFE!! I was so so so shocked bout my weight!! Walao.. Just for 2 days .It works so fast ...49kg-46kg. Hello!3kg eh! It's lots for me!A good start!Keep going on!!! Hahaha..I gonna make my target to 43kg eh!!
Continue with da story~
i went upstairs and tell my sis bout this news!" I tell u, usually i'm 48 right.. now!!46 hoh!!! tht apa GC one reli works eh!! Yesterday noon Lau sai got Lau betul ah!! i get off my 3kg!! No eat wholeday ho.. just breakfast with u nia thn mo eat lou' She : ' Har? got so lihai?? Wu boh!!! Later i go down buka my pakage!!'
So .. girls... im 46.4kg now!! Hahaha.....
17packs(GClife Cleanse) + 17packs(GClife Coffee) to go!! Means 17 days to go!! I will let you all know my result after 17 days!!
p/s : Gclife will makes u LAUSAI!!!LAU TILL VERY CHAM!!!=.=
But who cares!! It helps cleansing our stomach OJIBALA STUFF!
And it makes us slim wor.. who cares Lau sai till very cham or not!
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