At first my sis asked me to wear a hot pants and a singlet going cx it will be hot like hell. Im wearing a tshirt n jeans and thought it will be cloudy day and wont be hot!
Once i arrive UCS and saw my tent! its =.= .it just 10am!!. HOT! NO FAN! NO PPL! thts it!I stayed for 2 hours and my sis called me.
Sis:" Any people?"
Me: " No hoh!! and its freaking hot and keep sweating loh!! walao.."
Sis: " i think we dont need to dispalying n selling those thing. meaningless!and no people at all . Ok la.. u tidy up those thing and see your friend which can pick you up or not"
Me: " Yala,reli meaningless one . and hot lagi. Luckily i got laptop if not reli bored n hot to death!Ok , i ask my fren see who can pick me up la. call u again when i done"
Sis : " OK"
I will never and ever do this thign again lor.If i do there must have an aircond then i will go!!
Wis wong gallery thing reli bcome very ciplak when put at those place lo!
I rather stay at my shop!Aircond supplied Song supplied and i can do my business too!!!
I called one of my fren JW~ she said she can pick me up! Yohoo!! Love her much eh and another friend HF!! hehehe~ Thanks for helping me aye!
Well,they are so busy and im busy of capturing their pic!! Hello, this prove to them that you ppl helps me La... Hehehe
Finally we finish tidy up at 1pm!! everyones getting hungry!!And we going for LUNCH TIME!!!Thanks HF JW for treating the meal!! Friends Hooray!

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blog walking..
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