Just the first day and we get soooooo messy!!!!

Lol~ sis preparing to go out.. And done her make up half way.. mahaha

Nabe..... Second sis with her minnie. and my BEAR BEAR behind.. lala

Everytime we stopped Taipei!! Sure will go for this!!
Our love one!!

Sis cant wait for her fish porridge!!
Once it came..... it's tasteless

The place to get our 大头贴~!!
CROWDed of peoples everyday!

Doggie cafe house!! 黄金猎犬!!


好口杯!! Famous of 珍珠奶茶~

Our way to eat KE LI BING(可利饼)

while waiting for our foods .. we do this~

We arrived Taipei!!
See.. how happiness taiwanese are...
they are having TOYOTA WISH as their taxi..
Even NEW CAMRY too!!!
Omg~~~ Guess what do MALAYSIA HAVE???
Proton perdana,waja,iswara..Fck!
and with stupid lousy services!!!

A happy tourist~

Im from malaysia..
and this picture show how tired i am!!
Non double-eyelid
Non contact lens
Non blusher..
Pity tourist!

Jackie was showing TAIWAN DOLLARS while top-uping our taiwan number!

Once we arrive TIA~ the 1st 1st we will head to THIS!!

Cathay pasicfic meal serve with ICE CREAM!!
HOW sweet they are.. I love ice cream!! and its choc tim!!

Cathay meal~ well~ Its fish rice with sambal..
and it tasted ycksss...
I dont like it at all !!
i just touch it for once!

Jac and sis ~!

Shes so exciting@@

Cathay pacific!

Sooner i ll be saying HELLO to taipei!


I said tht i love mushroom soup!!
i will order mushroom soup everywhere i be

Sis mushroom soup with... apa itu??

Klia MCD!! we just arrived~~
WEll... got lots in my second sis camera that we took before this..
so will be upload sooner ya!!! Heheh
i mean while she's coming back sibu la...
p/s: so have to update it everyday to my blog guys~!!!
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