A far sweet message and gift by me from Sibu to Melbourne ♥
First of all i need to thanks this 2 girls who help me to passing this sweet message and gift for me.
♥ Jenny the one who introduce me the cupcake baker ♥
♥ Amanda the cupcake baker of mine for the message ♥
Love both of you so much and thanks a lots ..
Messaged Jenny few weeks ago and asked about that does she know any person who baking cupcakes or cakes or any places that she know to ordering cupcakes. And yet she intro me her friend which is in her facebook friendlist.
I view over the girl page that she mention. Yeah, she's the girl that i want to find and can help me passing my message n gift to my love one.
Chentin one of my friend were going to Melbourne meet up my boy on 18th giving the chance to do something special for my boy for our 1st anniversary. So, i ordered it on 16th so that it will be on time beofre my ct meet my boy and pass to him. Sadly,Amanda was out of car at the day ct meet julian up. So my plan ruined and everything gonna to be done on the next day.
The next day of my plan, i asked ct to helped me asked JL about his whole day schedule. Off his school time at 5 and yet Amanda going to pass the cake to him before 7pm. Holy shit of that time once Amanda arrive ,Julian was out for dinner!! I'm like.. Hey, thats totally not my day at all. My plan all ruined. My boy called me and asked me what do i gave him and is it a cake for our anniversary. Oh no..Can you be more clever my dear? Why always my suprises can be guessed by u so easily? Or its just so easy to be guessed?
Anyway,he called me when he get home and he saw my suprises.
6 tiny cupcakes with every words on it
Happy Belated Xmas 2009
Happy Belated Valentines Day
Happy Belated 1st Anniversary
Happy Easter
Loving You Bubu
With Love
-A lots of belated between us , and hope you dont mind for my late gift suprises for you baby-
Hope you like my suprises and i heard your hapiness thru the phone and really suprised by me~ Hehe ..
I love you and i really do ..
Thanks for pampered me always
I know my temper is like a red bull
But please do get use of it ♥
And sorry to being jealousy too much
I think its over doze .. LOL..
Happy Anniversay
Do celebrate it toegther next year
Its your turn to give me suprises!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
For my only JohnnyBravo ♥ JulianLing
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