Well,i just start drinking my slimming product.I think its work. Cause i get stomach-ache after drinking it.And going toilet for POO~ Feel nice after it and my tummy become smaller eh! Never know this thing after i saw my aunt become slimmer . I wish i get slimmer too after i finish this box! Grr… getting fatter nowdays . 48kg! OMFG! I gain 3kg in few months!! Thats kill me . Hello~ Im farking hard to slim down and yet now im getting fatter? WTHack! From 52kg to 45kg its difficult ok~ Well,i make it few months ago.. and now.. getting fat back in 2 months.

Main Function:GC Life Cleanse containing the 3 essential factors in balancing intestines lactobacillus, which including Dietary Fibers, Oligosaccharide, and also Lactobacillus. These 3 essential factors form a golden triangles for healthy intestines, works efficacy, maintaining internal circulation, detoxification, maintaining the cleanliness and healthy of our intestines. Besides, GC Life Cleanse also helps to blocking the absorption of fats and burning the excess fats in body, thus giving you a slim and trim figure.
Consumption Recommendation: 1 - 2 sachets each day, take early in the morning with empty stomach or before go to bed.

Main Function:The new generation hardcover edition slimming coffee cointaining Natto, which has been used in Japan for over 1000 years. Natto is said to have good effect in reducing cholesterol, prevent cancer, reduce the effect of aging, improve digestion, prevent obesity and have an antibiotic effect.While taking GC Life Cafe Plus, no need to fasting, easily reduce body weight and no rebound! 4 Function in 1: detoxification, slim & trim, firming, strengthen body.
Consumption Recommendation: 2 - 3 sachets each day, take after meal.
* Take with GC Life Cleanse for more effective result

For vitality and weight management.
This delicious, low-calorie instant tea mix helps you stay energised and refreshed while you manage your weight.
Now i got my HERBALIFE TEA MIX and GCLife Cleanse Plus!! 2months!! Give me 2 months time and i will get slimmer.And pretty??Haha. Hey, Christmas and CNY is coming soon . I also need sui sui dress and pants eh. Um,make it 45kg? 43kg of course good la. 3kg from now on! i wanna get rid my FATS!! PUIK THEM!
Today is the second day i take GCLIFE~ I gonna see the result after 18days~Wheewhit . Sadly now still 48kg la~ Tell again after 18days~But then i’m worry that when im on travel to Taipei and HongKong while taking stock and my stomoach ” gouz!gouz!gouz! ” WHAT SHOULD I DO!!! AND WHERE CAN I FIND TOILET HAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Headache now arh! Ho seh liao!!!
I’m speechless!!!!!
p/s : ehem,ehem.. sorry ar~ i’m not promoting la! Just share with you all what im having to get slimmer~